PROMETHEUS Finance has its own decentralized exchange called OLYMPUS where you can buy and sell your $PRMTS
When you make a token swap (trade) on the exchange, you will pay a 0.3% trading fee, which is then broken down as follows:
0.15% - Returned to Liquidity Pools as a fee reward for liquidity providers.
0.15% - Sent to the Treasury.
The major immediate benefits OLYMPUS to PROMETHEUS and its token holders are:
DEX Fees: The transaction fees will go to Treasury, a portion of which will be burned in the black hool. They are from the circulating supply. This is deflationary causing upward price pressure. The remainder of the fees collected go to the liquidity pool to cause price stability.
No more token dumps: DEX’s collect fees and ten dump them on the open market. Prometheus will collect these fees. We will not have to worry about token dumping.
DEX features that will bring lots of revenue to Prometheus: OLYMPUS will grow into a full service DEX providing swapping, staking, and farming of a variety of tokens. There will also be a launchpad where we will provide liquidity and potentially funding for the appropriate projects. These features and others, will generate lots of revenue for Prometheus used for token burns and to fund the LP, PIF, and Treasury.
OLYMPUS is Secure : Security is a top priority, so OLYMPUS is a fork of Uniswap which has been audited by Certik and safely processes hundreds of millions of dollars in transactions every day with no issues or exploits. You can be sure that OLYMPUS DEX is safe and secure.
OLYMPUS is simple to Use OLYMPUS has a familiar user interface so that you will immediately know where all of the important features are.
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